Thursday, June 22, 2006

Conferences and revelations

I presented at the Greenwich University Diverse Practices, Common Futures e-learning conference today and it seemed to be really well received. This is encouraging as I shall be using the case study as the foundation for our JISC bid, more on that to come. The whole day was in fact very enjoyable, going to presentations, plus lots of opportunities to chat with others who like myself are working in HE using VLE’s and trying out all kinds of e and m-Learning technologies and practices, priceless really, well done Greenwich. On a different tack, I had hoped to be feeding back on the progress of the Moodle-ebs project, however from my tone, I am sure you can guess its not going to happen, and neither it seems is Moodle-ebs integration.The questionable benefit from this whole exercise, is that I seem to have acquired a not particularly useful or transferable understanding in the similarities that appear to exist between systems integration projects and hiring a skip! Not so priceless.


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