Friday, July 22, 2016

Upgrading to Moodle 3

As a Moodlerooms client we have recently been upgraded Moodle 3 here at the College and as such I have been particularly interested in some of the new features that come along with that.
Looking at the improvements and changes to assessment methods I feel the inclusion of :-

fig 1
The Drag and drop onto image question type, see fig 1, where participants simply drag either text or small images onto an image is going to have so many uses for us.

fig 2
Then there's the Drag and drop markers question type where you can drag text markers onto a predefined image see fig 2.


fig 3

For us admins there is also some welcome imrp0vemenst to the Atto editor see fig 3 from now on it seems we will be able to drag and drop images, much quicker. There are some really significant improvements to the equation facility, for us Maths types out there see fig 4, plus some welcome additions for table editing for border styling, sizing and colours.

For even more information on the Moodle 3.x check out Moodle documentation here

Thinking about performance, Moodle 3.0.1 will support PHP7, which we are informed could potentially result in speed increases of between 25 to 70%, even at the lower end of the scale figures like these are in themselves reason enough to consider the jump to version 3.

If you read my previous post then you will have seen the reference to learner analytics, and I notice that our Moodlerooms currently have a short white paper for download that you may find interesting

Finally, I came across this innovative little clip showing how you can make use of your smartphone as a video tool, it just requires a claw clamp from the science lab to overcome the custom handheld shake effect.
That's all for this week, but do feel free to comment


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