Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Moodle News

As the testing continues with the move toward Moodle 2.4, the latest set of results following a full test migration do seem to be very encouraging. A full visual review of one curriculum area of 132 Moodle course shows that only 7 have a failed structure, though this represents just over 5%, it is something we shall look into of course. As for single resource failures, and this does not include quizzes and questionnaires, as these were effectively removed prior to the migration, it would seem that the infamous red cross has also appeared for about 5% of resources. Given the clear and necessary requirements of thorough evaluation, full live upgrade is unlikely now to take place until at least the end of the Winter term, and then it seems we shall in fact be looking at a move to 2.5.

While on the subject of Moodle, did you know that there is a Moodle MOOC course about to run. This is a 4 week Moodle introductory course requiring an estimated 8-12 hours of study time. If you are new to Moodle and would like to participate then registration commences on  19th August 2013 for a  1st September 2013 start. Follow the MOOC tradition, if that can actually be inferred, there will be no fees, with successful participants awarded a Mozilla Open Badges course completion badge that they can add to their Open Badges backpack.


Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the Moodle Migration / Upgrade Notes. I have been hesitant as I was looking for feedback from others.

4:13 AM  

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