Running Turnitin for Moodle
A busy half tern for me last week as it turned out because
I was scheduled to deliver training for Turnitin to staff on the coming Monday, which is today. There were
some technical difficulties with getting the installation to actually work in
our version of Moodle, but I am more than pleased to say that Turnitin were
really helpful in getting over those problems. We finally had it up and running
by Monday 28 Oct, so not a lot of time as it turned out to put those training materials
together. If you have not used the Turnitin application yet, then I can
certainly recommend it, essentially it functions as a student work submission
tool that will allow you to check material for originality ( plagiarism ) and
provide grading and feedback using the Trunitin GradeMark. I am particularly
impressed with GradeMark as it allows you to attach notes to parts of the
student essay from a range of pre-written collections, create your own or even
leave in line comments, well worth looking at.
Just looking at the Turnitin website I discovered that in
fact there are already some really good quality guides available anyway, but
still thought it was worth producing my own based around our particular
installation. The outcome rather than my usual bound set of hard copy
Click-n-Go guides was a set of four videos.
- Setting up a Turnitin Activity
- Student assignment submission
- Checking for Similarity
- Using GradeMark
If you are interested in taking a look, I have placed the
first of these onto a local web server, which you can see from here.
And did the training session go OK, its seems so.
That’s all from me now, if you have any comments then as usual please
feel free to post