Wednesday, April 15, 2009

LAMS Activity Planner

LAMS Activity Planner beta The LAMS Activity Planner is a new layer on top of LAMS that provides pre-built templates to help teachers rapidly build quality e-learning activities. It provides advice on choosing effective approaches, as well as sample sequences and advice on editing individual tasks. Teachers can use the LAMS Activity Planner to easily adopt and customise powerful teaching strategies in less than 10 minutes.The LAMS Activity Planner is now ready for beta testing - that is, the system still has some bugs and rough edges, but is ready for exploration by those who'd like to try out an early version and provide feedback. For more information and a screencast with voiceover, see

This is well worth a look and I feel will be just the type of thing that will encourage a broader spectrum of users to have a try. Feedback welcome

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

e-Book offer

We now have our new Moodle instance up and running ready for the start of our Quality Improvement Project and integrated into this we also have an instance of LAMS running. One of the aspects of the whole project however is of course content, and that's were I am going to be trying out eBooks, 1: because I have yet to make serious use of them as part of course delivery and 2 because I have been offered free access in retrnn for a case study; an offer well worth taking advantage of.