Sunday, May 27, 2018

Word to Moodle

A recently discovered plugin feature for me anyway\y for Moodle is the MicroSoft Word import feature for Lessons as part of the new ATTO editor, I guess because I have been concentrating on making scorm content this kind of  material, it just slipped past me, well that’s my excuse anyway.  The plugin supports the .docx extension, but not older types though, but the real cool thing is that just about everything you have in the file will come across and format OK and that should include LibreOffice 5.x files saved in .docx format.

For the admins out there you will require PHP XSL extension enabled on Moodle 2.7 or higher. Once installed just look for the new Word icon in the ATTO editor tool bar and you're are away. For me I think this makes for a massive improvement when it comes to creating a Lesson in Moodle, far less tedious and so much more productive like it, like it.

Please feel free to reply with comments.