While effectively we are at that time of academic year when
everything is winding up and results being agreed and closed off, it is also
the time before everyone begins heading for the sun, distant parts or something
else, for staff development sessions. Thinking about this usually gets me
musing over training needs and opportunities to introduce and present case
studies of new technologies and practice. It was as I began looking at some
likely candidates, I came across a very readable and timely posting on
motivation, with accompanying six minute pod cast from Susan Smith Nash posted
on the Quick Lessons blog, that considers the issue of motivation from the perspective of cognitive
psychologists, and looks at comparing some of the most influential theories that
include :-
• Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs
• Herzberg’s
Motivation / Hygiene (two-factor) Theory
• McClelland’s Need
for Achievement Theory
I really like this informative and concise type of blog post, so many thanks to
Dr Smith. Hope you find it as interesting as I did.
After just a few iterations of the design for our minted
cubes mention in my blog post earlier on, we finally arrived a final version shown
here. Given the size of 3cm, a decision was taken to abandon any images in favour
of text, which in the end will serve the intended purpose? Given that one side of the cube requires a
lid, obvious really as a means of getting the mints out, this does mean there
was less size for text on that side and so we went for a logo. The bottom face of the cube
which you are not able to see from this image has information / health warning
regarding the mint contents. Please stay in touch if you would like to know how
they were received by everyone a desktop concept.