New eLearning Projects Approved
Well I am pleased to say that the eLearning project proposals have all been approved. We are currently in the process of generating an instance of Open Simulator for one and the iPad’s will be arriving soon for the other. One late request was from myself for the acquisition by the college of a licence for Wimba Create. For those of you out there who remember courseGenie, Create is the new incarnation. This is in fact all part of our phased Moodle rollout, detail below.
Definition of Moodle use at Phase 1
-Schemes of work Available for student review from a Moodle link
-Assessments calendar A document or use of Moodle Calendar
-Assignment hand-outs Typically Word documents
-Assignment submission Electronic hand-in of material and feedback
-Learning materials Word documents, presentations, spread sheets, images etc
-Links to external resources Websites, audio clips, movies, images etc
Definition of Moodle use at Phase 2
-On-line assessment Quiz, Questionnaire
-Live Chat Recorded session of tutor student communication’s
-Forum Questions and responses
-Glossary Students activity in populating course glossary
-RSS Live feeds form external websites
-Blogs Used as private or course level resources
Definition of Moodle use at Phase 3
-Podcasts Internally produced or links to external audio files
-Video casts Internally produced or links to external movie files
I-Interactive learning Internally produced or links to external instructional materials i.e. nln, scorm
-Collaborative work WiKi
As you can see for the phase 3, this involves the production of scorm content and I feel that Wimba Create is a really straightforward way of achieving this, plus given that the vast majority of handouts are produced in MS Word. I am already producing some training notes from the trial version that I have installed. When it comes to the actual delivery, I really do want to package this up to include learning object design, and using our Dspace content repository for long term digital preservation. So a busy time ahead and of course some more frequent postings to this blog and of course to our blog for Open Sim.
Definition of Moodle use at Phase 1
-Schemes of work Available for student review from a Moodle link
-Assessments calendar A document or use of Moodle Calendar
-Assignment hand-outs Typically Word documents
-Assignment submission Electronic hand-in of material and feedback
-Learning materials Word documents, presentations, spread sheets, images etc
-Links to external resources Websites, audio clips, movies, images etc
Definition of Moodle use at Phase 2
-On-line assessment Quiz, Questionnaire
-Live Chat Recorded session of tutor student communication’s
-Forum Questions and responses
-Glossary Students activity in populating course glossary
-RSS Live feeds form external websites
-Blogs Used as private or course level resources
Definition of Moodle use at Phase 3
-Podcasts Internally produced or links to external audio files
-Video casts Internally produced or links to external movie files
I-Interactive learning Internally produced or links to external instructional materials i.e. nln, scorm
-Collaborative work WiKi
As you can see for the phase 3, this involves the production of scorm content and I feel that Wimba Create is a really straightforward way of achieving this, plus given that the vast majority of handouts are produced in MS Word. I am already producing some training notes from the trial version that I have installed. When it comes to the actual delivery, I really do want to package this up to include learning object design, and using our Dspace content repository for long term digital preservation. So a busy time ahead and of course some more frequent postings to this blog and of course to our blog for Open Sim.