Motivating Learners with web 2
On Monday I went along to the Ramada Hotel in the Bayswater Rd for an event that was titled “Motivating Learners using Wikis, Blogs and Podcasts”. The day was organised by Dice UK and the presenter was Adrian Jarratt. The sessions were organised to achieve a nice balance between Adrians presentations, which were very informative and supplemented with notable comments and idea’s from Adrian; I found myself scribbling away a fair amount, and practical hands-on exercises. In fact the hands-on bit was a particularly nice touch as it featured the use of handheld Internet PC’s for both morning and afternoon sessions. There was ample opportunity to take part in open discussion and exchange of experiences, which carried on over a very civilised lunch break, where of all things the subject of Key Skills featured, very illuminating that was! Anyway I came away with enough links and ideas to keep me busy and thinking for a while, so all in all this turned out to be a day well spent.