The Moodle Journal chronicles using podcasts, streaming, downloads, training, metadata, scorm, lessons, quizzes, forums, chat, journals, LAMS, Mahara and assignments in the deployment of the Moodle vle as part of our e-learning programme here at College.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Books and eBooks
I was invited to present at an ‘e-Book and Content’ event the other day, which unlike so many of the venues I had been invited to before, was attended predominantly by non-academic staff. In the main the audience was made up from by library / information professionals, administrators and publishers. Much of the theme for the event naturally centred on the subject of e-Books, which many appeared to agree, was the next natural stage in publication and distribution for learning materials. The reason for my inclusion of this event in a blog on Moodle, is that if like myself you have come to feel that to become a vle, certainly in my own understanding of the term, requires more than just the copious posting of course notes onto the system, but the development of materials more consistent with an eLearning delivery platform than a class handout. Certainly there does seem to be a case for the production of content that departs from our more traditional model of chapters and indexes following a comment from a delegate who reported the difficulties that one cohort of students had identified, that certain sections of books ’do not seem to read very well’; the section in question turned out to be the index! A general consensus expressed on behalf of library professionals seemed to center on the burden of cost exacted on them by publisher bundles, which it seems often contain publications with a very low reader frequency. I wonder if we could learn something here from the music industries experience with i-Tunes. In this age of digitised music, the needs of the market seem to being served by the granulation of the traditional album into tracks from which personalised albums can be constructed, can we not think about doing the same with chapters! If you have any views or experiences then please feel free to reply to this posting.
Welcome to the Moodle Journal
Movies on the web. Below you will find a selection of Moodle and related eLearning video tutorials currently available on
the web. So please select an option and be sure to have popups enabled on your browser, and enjoy.
Moodle is a CMS or Course Management System, a software package designed to facilitate the creation and delivery of
online courses. You will come across such e-learning systems referred to as an LMS (Learning
Management Systems) and more commonly now as a VLE (Virtual Learning Environment). Moodle is Open Source, this means you are
free to download, use, modify and even distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
Visit the moodle shop at
VLE Tools
Audacity is a freeware audio editor that is
ideally suited for producing podcasts.
CamStudio from Macromedia is the easiest way
to create interactive demonstrations and software simulations in Flash format, and includes visible and audible mouse
CourseGenie is a tool that will help you to
take course material in Word format and efficiently transform it into a dynamic online course.
Just give EclipseCrossword a list of words
and clues, and it does the rest. In seconds, you'll have a crossword puzzle with just the words you want.
Doppler is a podcast aggregator thats small
and easy to use.
RealProducer Helix Basic is perfect for
users who want to create quality webcasts, on demand audio and video and synchronised media.
Hot Potatoes is a suite of tools that allow
you to develop various quiz type exercises using a GUI interface, the output files can be run as webpages or imported into a
Lame is a plug-in for the Audacity audio
editor that will facilitate saving output in MP3 format.
Moodle is an Open source VLE designed to
facilitate the creation and delivery of online courses.
Pageflip is an open source Macromedia Flash
page turning book simulation that is ideal for small eBook projects.
A superb little application for interactive
white board work, allows students to drag statements, words, definitions to appropriate images, features scoring.
An add-on tool for MS Office PowerPoint 2003
lets you take your PowerPoint slides and synchronize them with audio and video
An open source JISC funded project (X4L
strand B) developing tools such as content packaging,Learning Technology and viewers to ADL and IMS Interoperability
Skype is a little program for making free
calls over the internet to anyone else who also has Skype. It’s free and easy to download and use, and works with most
ThinkLink is a free web based mind-mapping
A web based interactive white board
Windows Encoder ia a powerful production
for converting both live and prerecorded audio and video into Windows Media files or streams.
Wink is a Tutorial and Presentation
package,aimed at generating tutorials through screen capture incorporating callout boxes, buttons, titles etc..
A freeware Windows Podcast aggregator, that features a GUI interface and the ability to present Podcasts in realtime using streaming technology.