Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Handouts to videos

Well its that time of year again when following the upgrade of Moodle to our test server and tried out all the features that I need to star thinking about updating the Moodle course notes for the new version. This usually means I check each page of the notes with the new version and apply changes as they occur. This year however I have decided to reduce the actual Moodle training notes in their printed form and deliver the rest as a series of short video clips that can be run on demand by users as and when they need them. The impact of this will be to reduce the time needed for initial training, while at the same time ensuring that during the training, which does tend to be a bit hectic, given I only get 2 hours, I can spend more time looking at specific curricula issues rather than Moodle features that I have come to realise many will not come to use. So how do I intend to breakdown the content into printed and video formats?

Printed format

  • System settings and administration
  • Labels and headings
  • Editing facilities
  • Managing files and folders
  • Linking to resources
  • Moodle Assignments
  • Course presentation

Video Format

  • Using Forums
  • Using Chat
  • Creating Glossaries in Moodle
  • Managing the calendar events

Once I have these completed these I will make them available through this blog, so feel free to give them a test-drive and get back to me with any comments.